
Ziess Clarus 500
The Ziess Clarus 500 is an ultra-wide field retinal imaging camera used to detect and track eye diseases. The camera offers true color and high resolution across an entire image, allowing for greater eye disease tracking. The ultra-wide view photos are useful for capturing signs of disease on the far periphery of the retina, an area that some cameras cannot capture. The Ziess Clarus 500 is a great preventative tool, as it allows your doctor to detect any developing disease before it can claim your vision.

Corneal Topographer

Corneal Topography is a technique that is used to map the curved surface of the Cornea. This can help measure the quality of vision, detect Keratoconus at an early stage, as well as assist in LASIK surgery and the fitting of contact lenses. This procedure is non-invasive and painless to the patient.

Corneal Refractive Therapy

Corneal refractive therapy, also known as CRT, is a simple, painless treatment for refractive eye errors like myopia and has two core benefits. First, it can be used to help patients see clearly during the day without using glasses or contact lenses, giving them the freedom and flexibility that they need to live life to the fullest. Second, CRT has been shown to help slow the progression of myopia, keeping prescriptions under control and potentially reducing the likelihood of patients developing serious eye health problems associated with high myopia in the future. 

Here’s everything that you need to know about corneal refractive therapy and what it means for you. 

Understanding refractive eye problems

Refractive eye problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are extremely common, with nearsightedness – also known as myopia – being the most common of all. Patients with myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but those further away become progressively more blurred. Refractive eye errors occur when the shape of the clear dome covering the front part of the eye, called the cornea, impair the light-bending and focusing process in your eyes. This leads to the light ending up in the wrong place inside the eye, and the message that is sent to our brain from our eyes is muddled, causing blurred vision. 

What is corneal refractive therapy?

Corneal refractive therapy was initially developed as a treatment to correct and slow the progression of nearsightedness. However, it has also been found to be effective at controlling other refractive errors, including farsightedness, astigmatism and an age-related refractive condition called presbyopia.

CRT is a non-invasive, painless and straightforward method of correcting patient vision so that they don’t need to wear contacts or glasses, and they don’t need laser vision correction surgery to see clearly. CRT uses special contact lenses that are worn overnight and apply light pressure to the cornea in order to reshape it so that light is refracted correctly, and the image sent from the eyes to the brain is clear. The cornea is able to retain this new shape even after the contact lenses are removed the next morning, meaning that you can continue to see clearly for several hours. The more consistently you wear your CRT lenses overnight, the longer your eyes will learn to retain their new shape and eventually, patients can enjoy up to 48 hours of clear vision without using prescription lenses. However, the effects aren’t permanent so if you stop wearing the lenses, your vision will gradually return back to normal over the course of a few days. 

Slowing the progression of myopia with corneal refractive therapy

Another key benefit of CRT is that it can actually help to slow the progression of myopia. Most people who are nearsighted find that their eyesight gets progressively worse as they get older. This deterioration may not be rapid, but it can end in patients requiring high prescriptions. Studies have found that patients who have high myopia are more likely to develop serious eye problems in the future, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and a detached retina. Regular use of your corneal refractive therapy lenses could help keep your prescription stable and lower your risk of developing these problems. 

Am I a candidate for corneal refractive therapy?

You may be a candidate for corneal refractive therapy if you:

  • Have a myopia prescription within specific parameters

  • Have a prescription for hyperopia, presbyopia or astigmatism within specific parameters

  • Have stable vision, which means that your prescription hasn’t changed during the last two years

  • Are not a suitable candidate for laser vision correction

  • Have a job that makes it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Enjoy hobbies that make it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Have healthy eyes and are generally in good health

For more information, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today.  

Lens Technology

Thanks to the advancement of lens technology, glasses lenses are no longer a single, one size fits all solution. There are a variety of different lens types that can be used in glasses, giving patients greater flexibility and control over their vision than ever before.

Single Vision Lenses

Also known as monovision lenses, these lenses are designed to correct the wearer’s vision at just one distance, and have a single prescription covering the entire surface of the lens. They are most often recommended for people who are either nearsighted (myopia) or farsighted (hyperopia) and who need glasses for a specific activity, such as driving or reading.

Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses are multifocal lenses that can correct a patient’s vision at different working distances, ranging from far distance to reading distance. However, rather than designating different areas on the lenses for different distances with visible lines separating them, progressive lenses have a gradual change so that the wearer can smoothly transition from one lens power to another.

Bifocal and Trifocal Lenses

As you may have guessed from the name, bifocal and trifocal lenses have either two or three lens powers depending on which type you choose. Bifocal lenses support distance vision in the top half of the lens, and near vision in the lower half. Trifocal lenses support distance vision in the top third of the lens, intermediate vision in the middle segment and near vision in the bottom third. Whichever variety you choose, you will see visible lines separating each segment.


Bifocal and trifocal lenses are recommended for patients who are near or farsighted, and those who develop presbyopia, which is the natural hardening of the eye lens, that occurs as we get older. Presbyopia makes it harder for the lens of the eye to adapt to focus at different distances.

Multifocal Lenses

Multifocal lenses are the alternative name given to bifocal, trifocal and progressive lenses.

Computer Lenses

Computer lenses are prescription lenses that are specifically designed to be worn when doing computer work. This is because they place the optimum lens power for viewing your computer screen exactly where you need it – which is closer than intermediate vision, but further away than reading material is usually held. Wearing computer lenses can significantly reduce the negative effects caused by the high visual demands of computer work, including blurred vision, redness, dry eyes, double vision and dizziness.

Transition Lenses

Also known as photochromic lenses, transition lenses are a special type of lens that darken when in the sunlight and lighten when in softer light or the dark. This versatility gives the wearer the convenience of being able to move between different environments without needing to change their glasses. This makes them extremely cost effective and prevent the wearer from needing to take multiple pairs of glasses out with them. Transition lenses also filter out many of the harmful UV rays that are emitted from the sun, helping to keep eyes healthy too. They are ideal for people who spend a lot of time going between inside and outside, or who work outside in varying weather conditions.

Blue Light Lenses

Blue light lenses are specially crafted lenses that contain filters that block out much of the artificial blue light that is produced by digital devices like computers, smartphones and tablets. Natural blue light is actually good for balancing our sleep-wake cycle, boosting our mood and enhancing our cognitive abilities so that we can function better day to day. However, too much blue light, especially from artificial sources, can have the opposite effect. Many people who fail to use blue light lenses can go on to develop digital eye strain, which produces symptoms like eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches and more. Blue light lenses are recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time working on a digital device.

Polarized Lenses

Polarized lenses are used to reduce eyestrain and improve the quality of vision in patients on especially sunny days, making them ideal for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors. They can do this because they have a special filter that blocks some of the light from passing through the lens. Vertical light is allowed to pass through, while horizontal light, such as that which bounces off of water and can be blinding, is blocked. Polarized lenses are most often used in sunglasses since they are worn outdoors, and the wearer also needs to protect their eyes from UV damage.


Still have questions about which lens is right for you? Contact us to schedule an eye exam or an appointment to evaluate your individual needs.


Corneal Refractive Therapy

Corneal refractive therapy, also known as CRT, is a simple, painless treatment for refractive eye errors like myopia and has two core benefits. First, it can be used to help patients see clearly during the day without using glasses or contact lenses, giving them the freedom and flexibility that they need to live life to the fullest. Second, CRT has been shown to help slow the progression of myopia, keeping prescriptions under control and potentially reducing the likelihood of patients developing serious eye health problems associated with high myopia in the future. 

Here’s everything that you need to know about corneal refractive therapy and what it means for you. 

Understanding refractive eye problems

Refractive eye problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are extremely common, with nearsightedness – also known as myopia – being the most common of all. Patients with myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but those further away become progressively more blurred. Refractive eye errors occur when the shape of the clear dome covering the front part of the eye, called the cornea, impair the light-bending and focusing process in your eyes. This leads to the light ending up in the wrong place inside the eye, and the message that is sent to our brain from our eyes is muddled, causing blurred vision. 

What is corneal refractive therapy?

Corneal refractive therapy was initially developed as a treatment to correct and slow the progression of nearsightedness. However, it has also been found to be effective at controlling other refractive errors, including farsightedness, astigmatism and an age-related refractive condition called presbyopia.

CRT is a non-invasive, painless and straightforward method of correcting patient vision so that they don’t need to wear contacts or glasses, and they don’t need laser vision correction surgery to see clearly. CRT uses special contact lenses that are worn overnight and apply light pressure to the cornea in order to reshape it so that light is refracted correctly, and the image sent from the eyes to the brain is clear. The cornea is able to retain this new shape even after the contact lenses are removed the next morning, meaning that you can continue to see clearly for several hours. The more consistently you wear your CRT lenses overnight, the longer your eyes will learn to retain their new shape and eventually, patients can enjoy up to 48 hours of clear vision without using prescription lenses. However, the effects aren’t permanent so if you stop wearing the lenses, your vision will gradually return back to normal over the course of a few days. 

Slowing the progression of myopia with corneal refractive therapy

Another key benefit of CRT is that it can actually help to slow the progression of myopia. Most people who are nearsighted find that their eyesight gets progressively worse as they get older. This deterioration may not be rapid, but it can end in patients requiring high prescriptions. Studies have found that patients who have high myopia are more likely to develop serious eye problems in the future, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and a detached retina. Regular use of your corneal refractive therapy lenses could help keep your prescription stable and lower your risk of developing these problems. 

Am I a candidate for corneal refractive therapy?

You may be a candidate for corneal refractive therapy if you:

  • Have a myopia prescription within specific parameters

  • Have a prescription for hyperopia, presbyopia or astigmatism within specific parameters

  • Have stable vision, which means that your prescription hasn’t changed during the last two years

  • Are not a suitable candidate for laser vision correction

  • Have a job that makes it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Enjoy hobbies that make it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Have healthy eyes and are generally in good health

For more information, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today.  

Optovue iVue OCT

The Optovue iVue OCT offers a comprehensive assessment of ocular disease. The device captures retinal images that allow you to see each individual retinal layer, which are used to quantify the structures in the eye. The device offers an accurate diagnosis of eye disease. The device can also record changes in the eye by building a record of photos that track the progression of eye disease. This is very useful for the early detection and diagnosis of retinal diseases and conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinal disease.

Coming soon...


Neurolens are the first and only prescription lenses that include an element of contoured prism in their design. This prism is designed to bring the patient’s eyes into more equal alignment, and this should help to provide relief from the symptoms that are associated with several eye misalignment conditions, including digital eye strain and binocular vision dysfunction.

What is digital eye strain?

Digital eye strain is the name given to describe a group of symptoms that can occur when someone spends long periods of time using digital devices. Since using digital devices requires the eyes to work harder than normal and we don’t always position our devices the perfect distance away, it can lead to issues such as eye pain, dry and irritated eyes, eye fatigue, light sensitivity and blurred vision. Unsurprisingly, the number of people who are experiencing digital eye strain has grown significantly over the last few years and is expected to continue to do so.


What is binocular vision dysfunction?

Binocular vision dysfunction, also known as BVD for short, is another eye condition but is one that is very misunderstood. Binocular vision dysfunction occurs when the eyes aren’t perfectly aligned, causing your brain and eyes to work harder than normal in order to create a clear visual image and remain focused. This places pressure on the trigeminal nerve, which is the nerve that is responsible for the majority of the sensations that we experience in our head and back. BVD can often manifest as other things owing to the huge range of symptoms that are associated with the condition. These can include, but aren’t limited to:

-          Blurred vision

-          Headaches/migraines

-          Double vision

-          Motion sickness

-          Vertigo

-          Dizziness

-          Anxiety


Many people don’t think to visit an eye doctor when they are experiencing these symptoms, but all can occur simply because the eyes are out of alignment.


What are Neurolens lenses and how do they help?

As well as containing your usual prescription, Neurolens lenses also contain a specific amount of contoured micro-prism. This micro-prism alters the position of images so that they are aligned in the same plane. This then reduces the pressure on the muscles around the eyes as well as bringing the eyes into alignment, easing the symptoms that the patient has been experiencing.

The amount of prism in Neurolens lenses is decided using the Neurolens eye-tracking device. This non-invasively measures the misalignment that the patient is experiencing, and this is used to form the basis for the patient’s Neurolens prescription. After this, it’s fairly normal for the amount of prism to need to be adjusted by infinitesimal amounts to achieve the optimal relief from your symptoms. Most patients who choose Neurolens treatment see a 50% improvement in their vision as soon as they start to have micro-prism incorporated into their prescription lenses. However, with careful adjustments, many patients see as much as an 80% reduction in the effects of digital eye strain and binocular vision dysfunction.


Want more information about Neurolens? Please contact our knowledgeable eye care specialists.  

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La Junta, CO 81050-1430 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Closed Closed Closed,+302+W+3rd+St,+La+Junta,+CO+81050,+USA&ludocid=10680341410348907198 7193363311 7194961034 1607 South Main Street
Lamar, CO 81052 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Closed Closed Closed